D stants for:
Degustation (Tasting)

The magic of caviar comes from its great diversity. In fact, each sturgeon produces grains of different sizes, colors and tastes It’s fascinating to see how different all the caviars can be!
As a general rule, the best way to enjoy caviar is to keep it simple.
Here are a few tips to help you live the “caviar emotion”:
Take a look
Color: Dark, shades of anthracite-grey, sometimes golden-brown;
Its size: Small, medium or large, with a uniform grain.
The whole is compact, yet detached (without crushing) and shimmering.
Grains should be loose and shiny.
Breathe in the caviar’s distinctive scent, which diffuses subtle, clean marine notes.
In the mouth, relish
Close your eyes and listen to your sensations. Roll the beans against the palate to feel their smoothness, roundness and firmness.
The caviar should be neither too firm nor too melting, but should have a subtle texture that crumbles on the palate!
Enjoy the unique taste of sturgeon roe, a buttery flavor, a hint of hazelnut or fresh walnut. There should be no bitterness, acidity or extraneous taste (earth, vase or metal).
Savor its promising length on the palate.
Freshness, sensuality, harmony, complexity, subtlety… all these sensations create the emotion of caviar and make the tasting experience unique and unforgettable.
Let yourself be swept away by delight. This will be greater if the serving is respected.
For an appetizer, allow 10 to 15g per person. Otherwise, the “minimum” recommended quantity per person is 30 to 50g. Taste several mouthfuls in succession to allow the palate to become accustomed to the caviar’s saltiness. Ideally, you should be able to taste several caviars of different species to compare, exchange and discuss….. around a table. Finally, for a little treat on the go, try our caviar en-k, a little luxury for every moment!
Caviar is first and foremost a great loner. To appreciate the finest aromas and taste, it should be tasted on its own with a small spoon made of horn, mother-of-pearl, wood, gold or vermeil, but never silver, as this metal distorts the aromas. Do not “spice” it up with onions or lemon, as these alter the taste qualities. However, a simple slice of plain bread, a blini, a potato and a touch of crème fraîche can be paired with it without detracting from the taste experience.
Great chefs create anthology recipes with caviar, but it can also be served “simply”: Just a few grains of caviar are enough to elevate a dish!
An alliance with champagnes or some great dry white wines will be preferred to the historic pairing with vodka, which was partly justified when caviars were very salty.
The best-before date (BBD) is clearly indicated on farmed caviar containers. In its vacuum-sealed tin, it can be kept for several weeks in the refrigerator, between 0 and 4°C. Longer, the olfactory and taste qualities of caviar deteriorate. Its appearance deteriorates (it crushes and bathes in oil) and takes on parasitic tastes (e.g. metallic).
A final word of advice from Jean-Marie Pinçon: “The freshness of a caviar can be controlled by the hue, clarity and intensity of the scent; after this, the caviar becomes dull and smells very strong. Take your caviar fresh but not cold, so that it develops its full aroma and flavor”.

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